Congratulations! By deciding to file bankruptcy, you have taken the first step towards a debt free life.

You need to consult with an experienced Waco bankruptcy attorney to help you moving forward, but here is what to do and what not to do before filing for bankruptcy.

Contact us today for a FREE, no-obligation consultation to see what an experienced Waco Bankruptcy Attorney can do for you!

What To Do Before Filing Bankruptcy


Filing bankruptcy is scary for most people and the process can feel intimidating. You have heard horror stories about what bankruptcy is like and you feel out of control. We know. Just remember, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Millions of people have filed for bankruptcy and many are living the American Dream now. Think about all the things you will be able to do once you are no longer scared to answer the phone or throwing money at the credit card pit. Think about the freedom you will find after the bankruptcy is over.

Be honest with your bankruptcy attorney

They work for you. You tell the truth, and your bankruptcy attorney handles the legal consequences.

If in doubt, disclose whatever it is to your attorney.

Ask questions

Ask your bankruptcy attorney questions. If your bankruptcy attorney doesn’t have time to answer your questions, then they are not working for you.

Filing bankruptcy is overwhelming and difficult to understand. Bankruptcy has its own language and rules that no one except an experienced bankruptcy attorney can understand. When the bankruptcy law changed dramatically in 2005, many good attorneys quit practicing bankruptcy rather than learn the new laws. An expert and educated bankruptcy attorney at Simer & Tetens can help you.

Provide documents

Provide your Waco bankruptcy attorney the documents she requests and fill out the bankruptcy attorney’s paperwork completely and accurately. If you have problems, contact your bankruptcy attorney’s office and ask questions.

And What Not to Do Before Filing for Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy is a great way to obtain a fresh start for the honest debtor. Below are some items that should be avoided if possible. If you are unable to avoid one of the items below, please discuss what you are doing with your bankruptcy attorney first.

  1. Incurring additional credit card debt or borrowing more money.
  2. Loaning or giving money to friends or family.
  3. Giving or selling property to others without talking to your attorney first.
  4. Paying money to family or friends.
  5. Transferring title on automobiles
  6. Leaving assets off of the paperwork you received from your bankruptcy attorney.
  7. Leaving creditors off of the paperwork you received from your bankruptcy attorney because you want to “save” a credit card.
  8. Bank where you owe money. If you bank where you owe money, the bank may freeze your bank account and your bankruptcy attorney will not be able to get the money back.

More Questions?

Our experienced Waco bankruptcy attorneys at the Law Office of Simer & Tetens are here for you. We have helped countless families through bankruptcy and are more than ready to help you.

Contact our office to set up your free, no obligations consultation.


We will do our best to accommodate your busy schedule. Request a consultation today!

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